The All Age Commissioning Service has an ambitious transformation programme to redesign our services for children, young people, working age adults and older people. We are committed to supporting people to grow their independence, have their own front door and remaining living in their local communities. We are developing innovative services that allow our residents to thrive and allow increased choice and control over their services,
A number exciting opportunities for experienced commissioners to join the team have now become available, these opportunities will enable you to make a real difference to the outcomes of people in Stoke on Trent.
As a Commissioning and Contracts Officer, you will undertake commissioning activities to deliver improved outcomes for residents across the city. You will be expected to work collaboratively with partners across a range of agencies to monitor services and to assist in the co-production of services to meet the needs of the people in Stoke on Trent. Performance management of suppliers, quality assurance and undertaking due diligence checks are regular features of the role. You will ensure that service development is informed by, and responds to, changes in legislation, statutory guidance or regulatory frameworks and will support colleagues to ensure that all activity is compliant with corporate commissioning, contract management and procurement frameworks.
If you would like an informal discussion about any of these exciting roles please contact (Strategic Manager 0-25 Commissioning) or (Strategic Manager 18+ Commissioning)